Model Content Shoot with Yaryna

Improve your portfolio with fresh & updated images

Join curve model and FMNZ founder Alicia Morley, along with lifestyle photographer Yaryna Pochtarenko @lovemiphoto for a creative morning photoshoot. With over 15 years experience Yaryna has a keen eye for capturing moments that showcase natural light, genuine emotions, and inner beauty.

What to expect
  • Models prepare their own makeup, hair and outfits.
  • There will be 6-8 models on the day.
  • Each will have 2x 15 minute shooting slots (with 30 minutes for 1 outfit/look change in between).
  • We will aim for 2x styles of images (one urban and more dressy – the other in nature and more casual).
  • Models can choose 3 images from each style (6 images in total).
$450 for non-FMNZ models
$75 for FMNZ models

WHEN: Saturday the 27th July
CALL TIME: Starting at 10am
WHEN: Auckland City (TBA)
SPOTS: 7 Remaining
